Our Services

Customer Service

To fulfil your needs for advertising, identification, directional guidance, compliance, promotion, and marketing, Wigan Sign Services provides a wide variety of sign options. Everything we do is driven by our unwavering dedication to fulfilling customer needs:

  • We will work hard to comprehend your needs.
  • We will provide practical advice and recommendations based on our extensive experience.
  • We will only use the highest quality materials, design, and manufacturing methods.
  • We promise to deliver services promptly.
  • We will provide good value for money.
  • We will provide the same competent service to all inquiries, big or small.
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Bespoke Design

We never lose sight of the fact that your signage - whether it's for a retail establishment, a vehicle, a promotional activity, or a business project - could be the most crucial marketing tool you have. The right signage is essential since it frequently serves as the brand, theme, style, or image you present to the public. Before you make another adjustment to your signage strategy, it may be years or even decades; you only have one shot to get the best-looking, most successful signage. By assisting you in the following ways, Wigan Sign Services can ensure that you succeed in achieving your objectives:-

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No-Cost Design Consultations

The majority of sign companies will state things like, "Show us what you want before we can quote you," "You need to provide us with finished artwork," "Place an order and then we will show you some designs," etc. Despite the fact that our customers aren't designers, they frequently tell us they find themselves in a catch-22 situation when it comes to signs.

At Wigan Sign Services, we take a completely different approach. Whether you are starting from scratch, having trouble coming up with a name for your business or organisation, or you already have a general idea of the type of sign you need, our designers will work with you to develop your finished concept and artwork. Although we will always provide you with guidance based on our knowledge and experience, the process is set up to accommodate your desired level of input and feedback.

Working on Already-Completed Projects

We can guarantee that your new signs will be manufactured and installed to these exacting specifications if you have completed artwork, corporate brand reproduction guidelines, specific colour references, or existing signage to match. We fully colour calibrate every step of our design, print, and manufacturing processes, and our manufacturing and installation teams adhere to the strictest tolerances. Artwork in virtually every file format is acceptable to us.

Project Themes

Many projects, such as children's play areas, theme parks, or arenas, simply use the signs as a modular component of the overall theme. In terms of everything from interior building / wall wraps, characters, 3-D scenery, and even animated effects, we have the design expertise and capacity to develop complete concepts, storyboards, and of course, manufacture and install the finished solutions. The reputable industry publication Sign Directions recently featured our specialised service on the front cover and centre page.

Planning Consent - Design Considerations

Planning and the design process are frequently connected. We will make sure that all designs we produce should be viewed favourably by Planning if consent were requested, if applicable (and required by the customer). Numerous design elements must be taken into account, such as the signage's size and placement, the text size and type, the use of any lighting, the general design and building materials, the street scene already in place, the building's status as a listed structure, and much more. We are able to provide professional advice and direction on all issues relating to advertising consent in addition to design considerations, including overseeing the entire process as your planning agent.

Custom Design Projects

To assist you with unusual requests, we provide a flexible design service and enjoy a challenge. Portable dance booths, exhibition hand carts, guitar wraps, helicopter graphics, and many other things were previously completed projects.

Site Inspections

Our certified sign advisors will conduct free site surveys as needed to obtain accurate readings and assess the project for any health and safety requirements in order to give our clients the best possible service. Numerous of our signs are custom-made and require thorough specifications in order to have the desired impact in a reliable and cost-effective manner. When necessary, our knowledgeable sign consultants will conduct free site surveys to collect precise measurements and evaluate the project for any health and safety requirements. We also make investments in our employees, and we are proud of the highly qualified and seasoned manufacturing team, many of whom we have been training since the level of the apprentice. To ensure the highest level of work, we offer ongoing training and evaluation.
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Planning & Implementation

On all topics pertaining to planning consent, we can provide professional advice and direction. If necessary, we can even handle the entire process for you.

Numerous factors need to be taken into account, including the signage's size and placement, the text's size and style, any lighting used, the street scene already in place, and the status of any listed buildings.

Bespoke Manufacturing

By allowing us to utilise their fully-equipped manufacturing facility in Chorley and their ongoing investment in cutting-edge technology, our manufacturing partner Poppy Signs enables us to consistently deliver excellent quality while ensuring customer satisfaction.

Our facility includes:

  • Digital Roll Printers.
  • Laser Cutter.
  • CNC / 4x2m CNC Router.
  • Digital Finishing Table.
  • Banner Hemming Welder.
  • Wide Format Laminator.
  • LED Workshop.
  • Wide format flatbed printer.
  • Vinyl plotters.
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Licenced Installers

We only use the best-suited materials and fixings necessary to guarantee longevity in any sign we install, following clever design and thorough site surveys.

Every installation is completed with care and consideration for you and your guests, and we always adhere to all industry health and safety regulations. We constantly make sure that our team is trained and has the most recent accreditations. And since we enjoy a challenge, we can fit a sign just about anywhere!

Do you have an idea?

Not sure where to start?

Purchasing new signs can be a difficult decision, but our team is here to answer your questions, assist you, and share their enormous knowledge to ensure you have the signage you want. Whatever you have in mind, we can make it happen!

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Permitted file types: jpg, jpeg, jpe, png, gif, pdf

**Alternative option is to use a third party tool called We Transfer logo Transfer  if your file size exceeds the 19mb limit, or is in a different format i.e ai, psd, eps etc. Use email sales@vinylcarwrap.co.uk for the 'Email to' when sending your files. Please reference your upload with this email to help us identify the files received through weTransfer.

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As a leading UK sign company, we take pride in our association with the trusted and renowned Poppy Signs Family Group who have the ability, resources and experience to deliver any magnitude of sign projects.
PASMA, IPAF, CSCS and CHAS certifications
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